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Sunday, May 27, 2012

Sarangan Is Beutiful Lake In The Mount Lawu

Sarangan lake also known as pasir lake is a natural lake that lies at the foot of Mount Lawu, in District Plaosan, Magetan regency, East Java.Located about 16 kilometers west of the city of Magetan. About this lake area of 30 hectares and 28 meters depth. With temperatures between 18 and 25 degrees Celsius.

Sarangan a mainstay attractions Magetan. Around the lake there are two five-star hotel, 43 hotel class jasmine, and 18 rental housing. In addition to the dozens of souvenir shops, visitors can also enjoy the beautiful ride around the lake Sarangan with, or drive a fast boat. Other tourism facilities were available, such as restaurants, playgrounds, tourist market, parking, public telephone facilities, places of worship, and parks.

The presence of 19 restaurants around the lake makes the visitors have many alternative options menu. Similarly, the presence of street vendors offering souvenirs have the convenience of visitors to buy souvenirs. Dishes are sold around the lake is a rabbit satay.

In Magetan also there is the potential of local small industries which are able to produce handicrafts for souvenirs, such as bamboo, leather, shoe crafts, and special food products such as chips and plates melinjo (puli crackers, that of rice crackers)

Sarangan also has a boat rental service and water tricycles. There are 51 boats and 13 tricycles water that can be used to explore the lake.Sarangan has several important annual event calendar, which is anchoring the offerings on Friday Pon, Ruwah month (Javanese calendar), at mid-year school holidays, Ledug Sura 1 Muharram, and the fireworks on New Year's Eve

To reach the lake Sarangan, travelers can pass through three routes, namely:

  1. Sarangan, located in East Java, almost adjacent to the border of Central Java. The city of Surabaya can be reached via the following routes, Surabaya - Mojokerto - Jombang - Kertosono - Nganjuk - Madiun/Ngawi - Magetan - Sarangan
  2. From Yogyakarta-Tawangmangu-Sarangan
  3. From Solo - Ngawi - Maospati - Magetan - Sarangan

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